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Refugees and immigrants are NOT welcome here in the UK

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This is going to sound a little harsh to some, but I'm of the opinion that we shouldn't be opening our arms wide and welcoming in thousands of refugees and asylum seekers. As far as I am concerned they are most certainly NOT welcome here and whilst I understand they are going through a particularly difficult time at the moment, I think that we should put the citizens of this country first in this instance.

My view is that rather than deal with the aftermath of some problem - and let's be frank, we're talking about the spread of conflict and the group that calls itself IS, we should be tackling the root of the problem and eradicating it properly. I'd rather my tax money was spent on removing IS properly so that these people can rebuild their country than rehousing them over here. Also, one of the problems with taking on refugees is that once the crisis is over, they're unlikely to go back home again. The people of Germany, who can perhaps be forgiving for trying to atone for the sin of their fathers with a great act of kindness may well regret the decision to take in so many people years down the line. Whilst on the subject of IS and the people who fight for them. If anyone here wants to go well we should let them. We'll take them out with the next drone strike too!

Refugees Regarding immigration in general including so-called economic migration, I'm not really in favour of that either unless that person is moving here to take up a worthwhile employment or to fill a much needed position such as a doctor, nurse, or scientist. By the way, when I say worthwhile I don't mean minimum wage cleaning staff as I know full well that many unscrupulous employers in this country would rather employ cheap immigrant labour than employ someone who is resident here and may know a little bit about their rights.

In summary, close the borders to the hoards looking to exploit our welfare system, get out of the EU (that's a no-brainer) and get some hardware and manpower in place to help these people deal with the problem instead of going for the sticking plaster solution!

By Fed up with it all

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The problem is, the vast majority of normal people in the UK are browbeaten by lefty, green haired freaks so you don't get an accurate representation of public opinion. We should welcome SOME immigrants who are highly skilled and offer skills that are in short supply. Currently though, 90% of immigrants are barely literate, often criminal, low IQ and are a terrible burden. They come here because it's a meal ticket and they get well looked after, whereas in their native countries they'd be in prison no doubt. The hard left type bleeding heart liberals are naive in the extreme or wilfully idiotic. They welcome violent and backward people in, just so they appear right-on and trendy to their equally idiotic mates.
21/12 Boilsmypiss


Police will be there to arrest the patriotic football fans, not hooligans, as the media likes to describe them. These protestors love shouting free palestine but none of them have the balls to go there and help free it.
08/11 Robert


UK rule, could we have that in English please? You might find the words "our", "their" and "hang" useful.
22/09 grumpyoldwoman


I thought it was to wash their hands in.
08/09 Robert


Just think, one day all of the rioters in France will be making their way over here.
01/07 Robert


totally support your views , but no one political will support them. we are doomed to be over-run.
30/06 mickash


I agree, do gooding idiotic organisations like Aslyum aid stopping the Rwanda project are at the seat of contempt for all British people putting their and asylum seekers agenda over and above everyone. We have enough problems here, I'd ship everyone that has landed here in the last 50 years to Rwanda if they want them
29/06 PissedOffUK


Fear for future generations is what we should think about. Once the 'barge-ing' in of the illegals outnumber us, there will be no mercy coming from them towards us. That's a cert not maybe! We must take note of how they treat their women and their own people in general, it shows us what it would be like under their rules. As it is, even now while still in their minority are arrogant, and quick to take over. School meals have to be Halal, school assembly has been banned, schools no longer hang a crucifix on the classroom walls, and Christmas Carols offend them. We can go on adding things they find offensive. When we are in their country we respect their rules, when they are in ours they do as they please. Their conduct is unwholesome to us, thousands of children have been molested or sexually assaulted. We're not saying it does not exist in our society, of course, it does mainly by the mentally sick, but because of their disrespect to humans and animals alike, is in fact, carried out by the vast majority of the population. Ask the Netherlanders what happened to their girls and women when Arabs descended upon them, ask any Northerner of this country how many kids have been raped. Police play it down. Do we envisage ourselves becoming like Kuwait, Bah-rein and the like? Is this what our do-gooders want for us? I say go to hell dogooders, before you turn our lives into an inferno. Unfortunately, ignorance by those who think that way because they have not experienced the level of abuse by those countries, ask anyone who's actually been to North Africa or has lived among them. Reading books is not enough, pack your bags and go find out for yourselves.
31/05 Flavia


we need more to come to our UK our green and pleasant land as gone now so let them have it and we will say no to the liberals who needs help to keep their big Mansions and land and Money taken off them by the new comers
26/12/22 woody
J Renno

J Renno

Gallows on the beaches
26/11/22 J Renno
Hate ugly people

Hate ugly people

£5.0000000 aday to look after this load of shit coming here but are own old people get fuck all ex vets get fuck all but this load of crap get what ever they want when they want or they cry race card fucking load of cowards
16/10/22 Hate ugly people
England is fucked

England is fucked

England is finished full of low life tramps from over the the sea coming here just to bread and steal what they can and no one is going to stop them GOD HELP ENGLAND WE ARE BEING INVADED BY FILTH
16/10/22 England is fucked
Hate ugly people

Hate ugly people

They will be living next door to you very soon they are tramps the house prices will drop as they are the lowest of low the streets will be lined with crap I mean crap as these bastards do not no how to use a toilet PETEL STOP THIS NOW AS THESE DIRTY BASTARDS ARE TAKING THE PISS OUT OF ARE TAXES
27/08/22 Hate ugly people


Reports of a group of men at Brighton beach sexually assaulting girls and women in the sea. As usual, the media's left out any descriptions.
26/07/22 Robert
pissed off tax payer

pissed off tax payer

Still more keep coming when is this going to stop they are just filth after money and a house scum
20/06/22 pissed off tax payer

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