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A gripe about politics and the state of the world

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Why do things have to go from bad to worse before they get better, or rather before anyone thinks they should get better?  To get an idea what I am talking about, just think of all those things that went bad some time ago and are now even worse than ever.

For example, you have got global warming, falling education standards, the national health service, wars in the middle east, litter on the street, vandalism and drug grime, our national rail service (and what a service it is!) and rediculously high fares for the privelage of being crammed into sardine tin with a load of other fed up commuters.  I could go on and on and provide many more examples like this.  All these were bad, but they are now all considerably worse than they ever were and what is even more frightening the cost to put them right has escalated.

Crime, politics and the state of the world today. scream and shout about the state of the world

What is it with politics and politicians?  Do they deliberately let things get out of hand, simply to have a cause to espouse?  Are they simply waiting for enough of the rest of us to scream and shout about the state of the world before they act?  Perhaps its more the case that Britain (and the World) is simply and inevitably slipping down the greasy pole into mire.  It's a sad state of affairs, and don't get me wrong I'm not pointing the finger at this particular government, they're all equally to blame here I think.

The world is in a mess and we're all just as likely as the next man to throw our hands in the air and say "But what can I do?".  But retrogression has been the name of the game for quite some time and the politicians and their policies are doing nothing about it.

By: Retrosaurus

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We had a civil war not too long ago because of our royal leaders taxing us into poverty while living a life of luxury. The people who put a stop to it have since evolved into the massively corrupt government that we see today.
Proof in itself that power corrupts people, and once the greed sets in, so does the rot.
20/11/10 anon


This world is one big lunatic asylum, live with it
16/11/10 REBEL


I have 08 passatt turbo deisel, waiting for a second turbo to be fitted, second one lasted nine months, Garage have had my car for 4 weeks, they don't have correct tools to fit the new turbo,the garage cannot tell me when they will get the tools waiting for germany, garage now have four cars waiting.
06/04/10 pga65


politicians have long since passed their sell by date.they are merely in the job for the money. a politician should not be paid more than exspenses neither should a judge.they should have their own income unless one poor person who has done good works can be paid a small salary. these people are acting as fact kings somtimes have better freedom and knowledge.these people are pawns. you can not be political and serve your country if your are serving your career.they have to have an independant busseness or and income or they are basicly not fit for have independance you can not depend on furthering your own gains in public service. the two dont work.the lords was more independant when it was made up of people of independant means.
17/01/09 tututu


More like calculated caos than incompetent caos!

Quite covenient this credit crunch - 1.china's rise as a super power halted, which has also helped with the price of oil. 2. debt dependent businesses going to the wall, paving the way for new investment, new money?. 3. making the euro out to be a sweeter alternative. 4. privatisation of yet another one of the publics assets (royal mail). Our whole country has been sold from under our feet,
along with our rights to free speech, free thought, our democracy, our identities and our quality of life. I feel like chucking in my sole, 'oops' soul.
04/01/09 nik


I would like British military forces to be withdrawn from Iraq immediately.
The premise of weapons of mass destruction on which they were sent was at best fabrication, at worst a lie.
Their presence along with US forces has resulted, both directly and indirectly, in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people.
This not only has cost us a vast amount of money but has also severely damaged our international reputation.
It is a shameful irony that the political system we are forcing other countries to adopt (namely democracy) cannot deliver the wishes of a clear majority of individuals in this country (namely troop withdrawal).
22/02/08 Deliverance


Politicians are as subject to what the law says about anything as anyone. To change the way something is done usually requires a change in the law.This is the awkward bit. Trouble is when they change a law they usually make a right pigs ear of it. Changing the law also means they have to "come off the fence." And a politician would rather sell his mother than have to do this. The one thing that politicians "don't do" is take responsibility for anything they "engineer." They are gutless and having gutless people run the country leads to a total lack of imagination about how best to change things because if it doesn't work they deny responsibility, or lie their heads off saying things like immigration was reducing when it was increasing. They would rather just like to make a BIG DEAL of something that is totally unimportant, like who gets honoured or Home Information Packs or having a protest exclusion zone round parliament.
04/08/07 Chris


My Gripe is the Government (what ever the party). They have fought against Communism for years but they are more communist than the communists. We aren't allowed to live our lives without them dictating. We can't drink, smoke or eat certain foods. We are all going to die whether we do all these evils or not. Oh and not forgetting that car you can't drive. Why don't they mind their own business. The priority being is to get rid of all the holier than thou goody goodies who are ruining this once Great nation. If ALL the owners of ALL the businesses totally ignored the smoking ban there would be nothing the government could do. Remember the Council Tax? Come on Britain lets start fighting back and tell the government to LEAVE US ALONE.
24/07/07 jennifer


Political smear campaigns. Seems politicians are so devoid of positive things to brag about with their own careers, they have to focus on smearing the other candidates. Last I remember it was, "... one Nation under God, indivisible ..." Why, then, do we have democrats and republicans "fighting" to be the majority??

Why even bother with the campaigns, since most people who are adamant about voting support their political party whether their party-specific candidate is the best one for the job or not? Isn't it a shame those who would like to pick the best candidate - whichever party they represent - have to pick "the lesser of the evils"?
07/06/07 Anon


Ask a politician is that black or white and you may get a YES or NO ? ask if we went to war over weapons of mass destruction ? and he or she will write a book. Is it to much to ask for a straight YES OR NO , after all we voted for them to give us the truth about our decisions in this DEMOCRACY. What we did not vote for was silly blank smiles, and daft body language.
07/06/07 Eddie
Shafted one

Shafted one

All politicians are crooks. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Most politicians have never lifted a spade in their life. Thet would not know how to dig their own grave, when the time comes. Nonetheless, they are satisfied they never ever had to work hard.

Graft is the name of the game - everywhere.

Perhaps this keeps the peace, somehow.
12/09/06 Shafted one


GrimReaper It's our political system that allows us to make comments like we do on here without getting thrown in jail. Try the same sort of thing as this in China,North Korea,and other parts of the world and you would be treated as a criminal just for dissenting.
At least we have the right to tell our politicians what we think of their policies and vote against them without fear of arrest
02/09/06 Bob


If they had been crushed by Voters , Fine... but they were not, they were crushed by the other parties... thus making a mockery of our political system.
02/09/06 GrimReaper


If you don't like it , change it.Politicians and their parties are voted in(and out) by us.They are open to persuasion especially around election times and you can even stand for parliament yourself if so inclined.
31/08/06 Bob


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